Featured Live Webinars
Dr Joan Haliburn on Psychotherapy of Depression
Dr Joan Haliburn
Saturday, 10th February, 24
11.00 a.m to 12.30 p.m (AEDT)
The concept of depression in earlier psychoanalytic writings pointed to its origins in narcissistic vulnerability, developmental trauma and conflicted anger which had no possibility of expression. Hostility directed inwards, childhood disappointment of healthy narcissistic strivings, loss of an important other who is ambivalently regarded, difficulties with self-esteem particularly when reliant on others for regulation of self-esteem, to traumatically un-empathic parenting resulting in chronic feelings of emptiness and depression; insecure and unstable parenting, rejecting and critical behaviour on the part of parents, leading to the developmental of internal working models of self as unlovable and inadequate and others as unresponsive and punitive, causing vulnerability to later adversity or loss, and seeing such loss as failure on one’s own part; chronic devaluation from caregivers, creating shame and depression. In this webinar, Dr Joan Haliburn will discuss the psychodynamics and psychopathology of depression, the types of depression, role of shame and guilt, and describe an approach to psychotherapy and some of the difficulties one can encounter when treating depressed individuals.
The Role of Shame in Cults, From Recruitment to Recovery
Daniel Shaw
Saturday, 9th March, 24
10.00 a.m to 12.00 p.m (AEDT)
Understanding the traumatizing narcissist’s relational system of subjugation is an important aspect of cult recovery work, for both the therapist and the cult survivor. The author describes the role of shame in the psychology of the traumatizing narcissist, and explains how shame is implicated in cult recruitment, in maintaining cult loyalty, and in the challenges of cult recovery. Cult survivors often resist self-referring for psychotherapy for fear they will not be understood. This paper seeks to raise awareness within the psychoanalytic community of the relational dynamics between cult leaders and followers, and of some of the central struggles for those recovering from cult-related trauma.
Master Class Series: Phillip Bromberg on Dissociation
Prof Andrew Moskowitz
Saturday, 17th February, 24
11.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m (AEDT)
The American psychologist Philip Bromberg, more than any other contemporary thinker and clinician, built a bridge between dissociation and contemporary psychoanalytic thinking and theory. Through his writings and teachings, Bromberg emphasized the core relevance of dissociation to the interpersonal psychology of Harry Stack Sullivan and relational psychoanalysis. He quipped that Janet’s ghost had come home to haunt Freud – who had famously eschewed dissociation for repression. Bromberg argued forcefully for a central role for trauma and dissociation in normal personality, and for pre-emptive dissociation in personality disorders – which maintained interpersonal distance in order to prevent psychological pain. He also believed that effective therapy required the activation of parts of the therapist’s self that could engage with the client’s parts (essential for the enactments he viewed as necessary for therapeutic progress) all the while respecting the other (normal) dissociative parts that were in the background; in addition, Bromberg insisted on – in striking contrast to classical psychoanalysis – the necessity of periodic therapist disclosures in order for therapy to be effective. And in his use of dreams in therapy, as in many of his teachings, he echoed – without apparently realizing it – the writings of another major historical figure who locked horns with Freud – Carl Jung.
Featured On-demand Webinars
Dr Nick Bendit on Trauma and Memory Systems
Dr Nick Bendit
In the webinar Dr. Nick Bendit will provide some didactic information about suicidality, and then explore why patients become suicidal, and what the function of suicidal thoughts and urges are. Dr. Bendit will develop a general psychodynamic hypothesis about the origins of suicidal thoughts, and the relationship between deliberate self harm and suicidal thoughts. He will then differentiate between acute suicidality and chronic suicidality, and briefly outline the different treatment needs of each group. Dr. Bendit will also discuss how the fear of suicide structures the therapy, and influences the therapist’s response. Finally, some important prevailing myths about suicide prediction, assessment and prevention will be described.
Vulnerability & Grandiosity: Related forms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Dr Joan Haliburn
‘SELF’ and ‘SELF AND OTHER’ are inseparable – whether in early development, or in the psychotherapeutic relationship. Developmental Theory is a Relational Theory and forms the basis of most psychodynamic psychotherapies. The term narcissism is most often regarded as a triad of vanity, exhibitionism and arrogant ingratitude, but it also needs to be seen as a state of developmental arrest, vulnerability, where the sense of SELF lacks sufficient inner resources to give meaning to life, simply through living it fully. The role of relational trauma needs to also be understood in the precocious attainment of autonomy, early idealization and identification with the other, seen in the developmental psychopathology of some narcissistic personality disorders. They occur on a spectrum and cannot all be lumped together. We must develop this understanding in the psychotherapy of Narcissistic Personality Disorders.
Engaging Men in Therapy: What the Literature Says (Free Webinar).
Zern Liew
Men and boys represent 50% of the population who may be overlooked by the therapy industry. The APA released their first ever guidelines for working with men and boys in 2019 – not even five years ago. The level of psychological distress experienced by men appears to be increasing. Suicide levels remain unacceptably high. Men appear less willing to engage with health practitioners. This is especially so when it comes to mental health services. Most practitioners are women. It is not unusual to encounter those who believe that men are alexithymic and uncooperative clients. Men harbour fears, misinformation, and unhelpful beliefs about therapy. This webinar presents what the literature says about men and therapy. Understanding how men cope and seek help is important for practitioners who are serious about serving this population.
Featured Short Courses
(Coming March 2024)
Attachment across the lifespan: Therapy informing practice
Dr Kevin Keith
Attachment across the lifespan: Therapy informing practice, practice informing therapy is a certification course designed to assist practitioners in navigating this immense terrain. This course provides a thorough foundation for engaging the expanding corpus of Attachment Theory and offer a strong focus on practical applications of theory and interventions in clinical practice.
The Therapist: Ethics, Legal & Professional Issues
Dr Kris Rao
This course will provide you with the opportunity to explore the ethical and moral issues that arise when working as a professional in a therapeutic context. We will explore the myriad complexities and contradictions associated with ethics, morals, legal and professional responses and responsibilities in the professional setting. Special attention will be given to the cultural and socio-political factors that frame ethical behaviour and moral decision-making and what impact these factors have when working with clients. Professional and legal standards for therapists in practice will be identified and implications for professional practice determined.
Developing a Successful Private Practice
Dr Kris Rao
In this course, you will discover practical steps to set up your private practice effectively such as writing a business plan, understanding how working for yourself differs from employment, and learning about the therapy market. You will gain an understanding of your target client group, sources of referrals for that group, and opportunities within the allied health systems. You will also learn important management skills around fees and billing, financial and other mandated recordkeeping, and risk assessment/mitigation best-practices
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