About Us
eiseEducation is an exceptional professional development company that brings live webinars, on-demand webinars, and short online courses to the mental health, social services & community services sector.
Our webinars and courses provide best practice materials created and delivered by practising industry experts. They have been praised for their value, currency, relevance to psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, social work, counselling and other mental health & community professions across Australia & New Zealand.

About Our Presenters
At eiseEducation, we take great pride in quality of presenters we select for our webinars and short courses. Many hours go into identifying the best people to present and in choosing the value driven contemporary topics. Below are just a few of our presenters.

Dr Joan Haliburn FRANZCP
Dr Joan Haliburn is a Consultant Child, Adolescent & Family Psychiatrist, trained in the Conversational Model of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, in the Systems Model of Family Therapy & in Attachment Strange Situation. She is in private practice & is a faculty member of the Complex Trauma Training Unit, University of Sydney at Westmead Clinical School.

Prof Andrew Moskowitz PhD

Prof Onno van der Hart PhD

Dr Nick Bendit FRANZCP
Dr Nick Bendit is a staff specialist psychiatrist working at the Centre for Psychotherapy (Newcastle), an outpatient public psychotherapy unit offering long-term psychotherapy for patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) & eating disorders. He treats patients with BPD using the Conversational Model and DBT, as well as supervising mental health clinicians in the management of patients with BPD.

Dr Lynne Jacobs PhD
Dr Lynne Jacobs is a both gestalt therapist and a relational psychoanalyst based in Los Angeles. She has long been interested in the relational dimension of psychotherapy, and in integrating humanistic theories with contemporary psychoanalytic theories. She has published numerous articles in both realms, and her most recent work is Relational Approaches in Gestalt Therapy (co-edited with Rich Hycner).

Dr Kevin Keith PhD
Dr Kevin is a counsellor, psychotherapist, supervisor and academic. He completed his PhD in 2017 at the University of Sydney focusing on theoretical questions around the status of post-infancy preschool developments within Attachment Theory. His academic interests also include emotions research, philosophy of science and the empirical status of longer-term psychotherapy.

Dr Daniel Goldin PsyD
Dr Daniel Goldin is a psychoanalyst in private practice in Los Angeles, where he treats adults, adolescents, and children, with a special interest in helping those in recovery. In a previous career, he wrote feature screenplays for most of the major Hollywood studios. More recently, he has also written for the LA Times, the Huffington Post, and The International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology.

Dr Darren Haber PsyD
Dr Darren Haber is a psychoanalyst practicing in Los Angeles. He specializes in treating childhood trauma, addiction (including children/partners of alcoholics) and anxiety/depression. He has appeared numerous times in the journal Psychoanalysis, Self and Context. He frequently guest-teaches psychoanalytical classes and seminars. His book “Circles Without a Center” will be published by Routledge in 2022.

Dr David Schreiber PsyD
David Schreiber is a psychologist and a psychoanalyst in private practice in Santa Monica. He is a faculty member of the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles. David is currently affiliated with Division 39 (Psychoanalysis) of the American Psychological Association, the International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology and the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

Dr Kris Rao MSMed, PsyD
Kris Rao is a psychotherapist & a psychoanalyst primarily providing long term therapy for complex trauma disorders. He is also a clinical supervisor for the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy (ANZAP) training program. Kris teaches ethics & psychodynamic psychotherapy as adjunct faculty at universities and higher education institutions across Australia and New Zealand.

Daniel Shaw LCSW

Dr Phillip Graham MBBS, MMed
Dr Graham, is a medical psychotherapist with over twenty five years’ experience, primarily providing long term psychotherapy. He is a Fellow of the Australian College of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Lecturer at Sydney University. He is a Supervisor for the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy (ANZAP), and a past President. He has published his work both locally and internationally.

Dr Valerie Sinason PhD
Dr Valerie Sinason is a widely published poet, writer, child and adolescent therapist (retired) and adult psychoanalyst. She has specialised in trauma and disability for forty years and lectures nationally and internationally. Founder and now Patron of the Clinic for Dissociative Studies UK, President of the Institute for Psychotherapy and Disability, she is also on the Board of the ISSTD, from whom she received the lifetime achievement award in 2017, the newsletter of the ESTD and a member of the BPC where she received the 2022 Innovation excellence award. She was formerly a consultant psychotherapist at the Tavistock Clinic and St Georges Hospital Medical School where she ran disability psychotherapy courses and clinical work.

Zern Liew MCouns
Zern has three decades of multidisciplinary professional practice across Counselling, Design, and Business. He consults with clients to solve “wicked problems” in their professional and personal lives. He also writes, teaches Counselling at university, facilitates alcohol/drugs counselling groups, and sits on the board of Men’s Health and Wellbeing WA. Zern is currently working on an interdisciplinary PhD in Psychology. He has a Master in Counselling and tertiary qualifications in Business Management and Design.

Prof Lisa Cohen PhD
Dr. Lisa J. Cohen is clinical professor of psychiatry at the Carl Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, working at the Mount Sinai Beth Israel location. Dr. Cohen has long been involved with clinically relevant research in a wide range of topics relevant to psychiatry and psychology. Her more recent research domains have included suicide risk, personality pathology, childhood maltreatment and pedophilia. Dr. Cohen is an author on over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles and three books. Her most recent book, titled The Psychotherapy of Personality Disorders: Emergent Systems Theory as an Integrative Framework was published in 2022 by Lexington Books.

Dr Paul Martin PsyD
Paul M. Martin, Psy.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist and the assistant director of The Center for Grief Recovery. He specializes in individual psychotherapy for those struggling with loss and grief and regularly offers continuing education workshops and case consultation for professionals working with complicated cases of bereavement. He also provides psychological debriefing in workplace settings that have experienced a death amidst their workforce and is sought after as an expert witness in litigation involving sudden and traumatic loss. Dr. Martin is an adjunct faculty member at both Northwestern University and The Chicago School of Professional Psychology where he teaches psychology coursework on psychopathology, psychodynamic theory and intervention, developmental psychology, and the psychology of loss, grief, and mourning. Dr. Martin is the author of Personal Grief Rituals: Creating Unique Expressions of Grief and Meaningful Acts of Mourning.

Prof Warwick Middleton MBBS, FRANZCP, MD
Professor Middleton holds appointments as Professor in the School of Medicine, University of Queensland, as well as Adjunct Professor – at the School of Public Health, La Trobe University; School of Behavioral, Cognitive & Social Sciences, University of New England; and, Department of Psychology, University of Canterbury. He has made substantial and ongoing contributions to the bereavement and trauma literatures, and was with Dr Jeremy Butler author of the first published series in the Australian scientific literature detailing the abuse histories and clinical phenomenology of patients fulfilling diagnostic criteria for Dissociative Identity Disorder. Professor Middleton chairs The Cannan Institute. He is a Past President of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), the world’s oldest international trauma society, and is a recipient of that Society’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Widely published, he is currently the joint editor, with Martin Dorahy, of, Contemporary Perspectives on the Seduction Theory and Psychoanalysis: Revisiting Masson’s ‘The Assault on Truth’ (Routledge), which is due for publication in 2024.

Dr Jackie Amos FRANZCP, PhD
Dr Jackie Amos is a child, adolescent and family psychiatrist, gestalt psychotherapist and clinical academic with more than 25 years’ experience working psychotherapeutically with individual adults and children and families caught in intergenerational cycles of neglect and abuse. She has worked in both government child and adolescent mental health and intensive family support service settings. The models described in this webinar are the outcome of her Doctoral research, which was completed in 2017. Jackie is now leading the implementation of her research in Centacare, a large NGO in Adelaide, using the theoretical model to inform the development of therapeutic case workers. These workers utilise psychotherapeutic approaches within a social casework model in an attempt toincrease access for vulnerable families to combined therapeutic and practical help.

Prof Melanie Turner FRANZCP, PhD
Prof MelanieTuner is a Clinical Associate Professor in Psychiatry at the University of Adelaide and works as a child and adolescent psychiatrist in private practice. She holds a range of positions including Deputy Chief Psychiatrist Inspections and Investigations of the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist of South Australia; Board Member of the Medical board of South Australia; Elected Board Director of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Board Member Mental Health Australia and Presiding Member of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board in South Australia. Prof Turner has also completed a PhD in Perinatal Psychiatry at the University of Adelaide and is widely published. She is a recipient of Churchill Fellowship to research on alternative to the emergency department approach to supporting people in suicidal crisis. Prof Turner teaches at University of Adelaide and to trainee psychiatrists.

Dr Jamie Rickcord. MBBS. FRACGP. M.Med (Psychotherapy)
Dr Jamie is a GP, psychoanalytic psychotherapist and one of Australia’s most experienced prescribers and educators of cannabinoid medicine. His primary interest is the development and integration of effective therapeutic interventions that include mindbody medicine, psychotherapy and the considered use of novel pharmacological adjuncts to assist therapists in the treatment of trauma.

Peter McKay
Peter McKay is a Somatic Psychotherapist based in Melbourne, Australia. His work incorporates principles of attachment, trauma, Self Psychology, and intersubjectivity, with a special emphasis on the somatic experience. His work extends to parents facing familial challenges. He also specializes in working with trauma and enhancing performance through the Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) therapy.

Lisa King MCouns, MSW (Q), AMHSW
Lisa is an accredited mental health social worker, psychotherapist, and author of Finding My Invisible Sun: Overcoming Trauma. Lisa has lived experience of trauma (childhood sexual abuse), mental illness and institutionalised discrimination. Lisa has practised therapy for 15 years: 11 years within the D&FV prevention service and 4 years as an accredited mental health social worker. Prior to practising therapy, Lisa taught English, history, and drama to secondary school students and transitioned to teaching students with special needs. As a self-professed idealist and opportunistic dissident intellectual, Lisa encourages people to grasp every opportunity to challenge the status quo.

Prof Martin Dorahy PhD, DClinPsych
Martin Dorahy, PhD, DClinPsych, is a clinical psychologist and professor in the School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. He has a clinical, research and theoretical interest in complex trauma, dissociative disorders and self-conscious emotions (e.g., shame). He has published peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and co-edited six books in the area of psychotraumatology, including most recently, Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorder: Past, Present, Future, 2nd Ed (with Steve Gold and John O’Neil; 2023) and Contemporary Perspectives on the Seduction Theory and Psychotherapy: Revisiting ‘The Assault on Truth’ (with Warwick Middleton). He is a member of the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists, New Zealand Psychological Society, and the New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists. He is a Fellow and Past President of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD). He maintains a clinical practice, focused primarily on the adult sequelae of childhood relational trauma. He enjoys snow skiing and mountain biking.

Orit Badouk Epstein
Orit Badouk Epstein is a UKCP registered, Attachment Based Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, a training supervisor, training therapist, editor, and a writer. Orit has been the editor of the journal Attachment- New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychotherapy. Orit has published many book chapters, articles, film reviews, newsletters, and edited various books. Her recent co-authored and edited book is Shame matters: Attachment and Relational Perspective for Psychotherapists, Routledge (2022) won the Gradiva award. Orit runs a private practice in London and work relationally with individuals from across the board. Orit specialises in complex trauma and works with individuals who suffered extreme abuse and who have been diagnosed with DID. Orit teaches Attachment theory and complex trauma courses at the Bowlby Centre and various organisations.

Prof Alison Merrick PhD, PsyD
Allison Merrick, Ph.D., Psy.D., RP, is Associate Professor of Philosophy at California State University, San Marcos and a trained Research Psychoanalyst with a private practice. She is the author of the forthcoming book Nietzsche on the Methods and Aims of Philosophy: The Seal of Liberation (Cambridge University Press) and the co-editor of Nietzsche and Politicized Identities (2024) and of “Shame: Sources and Trajectories” a special issue of Psychoanalytic Inquiry (2024).