Short Courses (Coming mid-July 2024)

We are busy creating a library of exciting and industry-relevant short courses you can access online, on-demand to suit your schedule. Please check back for updates on this page.

Understanding Dissociation and How to Work with It

Dr Nick Bendit

Dissociation is an area of mental health that few practitioners know much about. It is shrouded in mystery and controversy, but in the last 10 years there is an increasing literature of the science and clinical practice of dissociation. In particular, complex dissociation appears in clients with severe borderline personality disorder and clients with dissociative identity disorder. This short course will introduce you to dissociation, discuss cognitive neuroscience of dissociation, clinical syndromes in dissociation with both PTSD and BPD subtype, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).

Understanding the Complexities of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

Dr Kevin Keith

Domestic violence is often complex: the intersection of multiple lives, histories and contexts. But it is also damaging to lives, indeed lethal in cases! When it comes to prevention and intervention, heterogeneity such as, multiple individual personality and risk factors, lifespan considerations, social cultural and contextual influences’ presents formidable challenges. Studies have shown that key attachment dynamics and other developmental antecedents are helpful for understanding typical profiles for both victims and perpetrators. This short course will explore attachment pathways to adult Interpersonal Violence (IPV): antecedents and predispositions for victims and perpetrators, Childhood exposure to DV and distinguish Intimate Terrorism (IT) and Situational Couple Violence (SCV). It will also discuss current efforts to conjointly treat attachment injuries within the context of SCV. 


Personality, impacts on mental health and practical implications for treatment

Dr Kevin Keith

Personality research remains a vibrant, yet relatively untapped resource for counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers, psychologists & other mental health workers. Addressing ‘research to practice gaps’ serves as the primary goal of this course.

Attachment across the lifespan: Therapy informing practice

Dr Kevin Keith

Attachment across the lifespan: Therapy informing practice, practice informing therapy is a certification course designed to assist practitioners in navigating this immense terrain. This course provides a thorough foundation for engaging the expanding corpus of Attachment Theory and offer a strong focus on practical applications of theory and interventions in clinical practice.

The Therapist: Ethics, Legal & Professional Issues

Dr Kris Rao

This course will provide you with the opportunity to explore the ethical and moral issues that arise when working as a professional in a therapeutic context. We will explore the myriad complexities and contradictions associated with ethics, morals, legal and professional responses and responsibilities in the professional setting. Special attention will be given to the cultural and socio-political factors that frame ethical behaviour and moral decision-making and what impact these factors have when working with clients. Professional and legal standards for therapists in practice will be identified and implications for professional practice determined.

Developing a Successful Private Practice

Dr Kris Rao

In this course, you will discover practical steps to set up your private practice effectively such as writing a business plan, understanding how working for yourself differs from employment, and learning about the therapy market. You will gain an understanding of your target client group, sources of referrals for that group, and opportunities within the allied health systems. You will also learn important management skills around fees and billing, financial and other mandated recordkeeping, and risk assessment/mitigation best-practices